We have a cute, fun-loving mood for almost any occasion
100% Naturally Alkaline Spring Water
Moodwater isn’t your typical water. Our water is thirst quenchingly delicious and it’s fun. It’s also super duper healthy because it is naturally alkaline, (meaning it has a high pH and is full of that earthy stuff called minerals!) and in case you forgot … it’s fun, no really, water can be fun! 9/10 medical websites we googled say smiling and being happy is proven to have powerful health benefits. Woo Hoo!
So, take a sip of our water and nourish your bod with good stuff like magnesium, calcium, bicarbonate, potassium, and other cool words that are great for you, your thirst, your mood and your health.
Bottling Water.
Manufacturing Happiness.
The Guys who founded MoodWater believe life at its essence is about love & happiness
What makes them happy the most? Loving life, Connecting & Making Other People Happy! So they started MoodWater.
We couldn’t bottle happiness, but we could put it on our labels.

100 King Street West, 56th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5X 1C9 CANADA
Toronto Office: +1 416.322.8502
Fax: +1 416.322.8501
US Toll Free: +1 844.495.6663
Website & Emails:
Website: www.mymoodwater.com
General Inquiry: info@mymoodwater.com
Sales Inquiry: orders@mymoodwater.com